I'm currently trying to install the point cloud library so I can use it's RANSAC features for sphere detection.
There seem to be lots of tutorials about using the PCL with ros but I can't find anything about how to install it.
I've been following the answer to this ros answer:
I've added the dependency to my package.xml file so it now looks like this
sme_awareness 0.0.1 Package of Lidar and Camera awareness tools pete blacker TODO http://www.PeteBlacker.com pete blacker message_generation message_runtime catkin pcl libpcl-all-dev roscpp rospy std_msgs sensor_msgs geometry_msgs tf tf2 tf2_ros image_transport cv_bridge dp_ptu47_msgs pcl libpcl-all-dev roscpp rospy std_msgs sensor_msgs geometry_msgs tf tf2 tf2_ros image_transport cv_bridge dp_ptu47_msgs
However when I execute the command:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo -y
I get the error:
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
sme_awareness: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [pcl]
Can anyone help me get this up and running?