I am trying to upgrade from ros indigo to ros jade. I followed the following procedure
sudo apt-get get remove ros-indigo-desktop-full
sudo apt-get get install ros-jade-desktop-full
However, when I am trying to launch a simulation with gazebo I obtain the following error
> /opt/ros/jade/lib/gazebo_ros/gzserver: 22: .: Can't open /share/gazebo//setup.sh> /opt/ros/jade/lib/gazebo_ros/gzclient: 17: .: Can't open /share/gazebo//setup.sh >[gazebo-2]> process has died [pid 5171, exit code> 2, cmd> /opt/ros/jade/lib/gazebo_ros/gzserver> -e ode /home/mago/Projects/2015a_Nicastro_HeterogeneousMultirobot/src/uav/worlds/vtol.world> __name:=gazebo __log:=/home/mago/.ros/log/0b588c00-6078-11e5-b34f-f04da268d7ae/gazebo-2.log]. log file:> /home/mago/.ros/log/0b588c00-6078-11e5-b34f-f04da268d7ae/gazebo-2*.log
Apparently it can't find the file /share/gazebo//setup.sh
I noticed the double slash, therefore I tried to search the setup.sh file manually.
However, the command
ls /usr/share/ | grep gazebo
Moreover, in the "gazebo-5.0" folder there is no file "setup.sh"
I think something went wrong during the installation, I tried to remove everything and reinstall but without success.
Can anyone help me?
EDIT: I tried the workaround described [here](https://github.com/ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs/issues/323), but apparently I have libgazebo5-dev already installed.